In [1]:
# A function block always starts with a def keyword.
# A function has optional parameters.
# Every funtion has a return value.
# if there is no return value you get 'None'
# Basically,every function should have a return value.
def my_func():
print "hello world"
In [2]:
print my_func()
In [5]:
# take 2
# return is a keyword which marks the end of the funtion.
# note: return is not a print statement.
def my_func():
return "hello world"
print "hey there"
print "how is it today"
print "hopefully it was a good monday"
In [6]:
print my_func()
In [7]:
# namespaces or local/global values.
In [8]:
# Nenu local
# variables defined inside a function are called local variables.
# The local variables are restricted to the function.
# there is no syntax which can access local variaable outside a function.
# The life span of a local variable is during the run time of the function.
def me_local():
a = 10
return a
In [9]:
print me_local()
In [10]:
print a #
In [11]:
# locals()
def me_local():
a = 10
print locals()
return a
In [13]:
print me_local()
In [14]:
# global
# first your function looks into local scope then into global scope.
# globals() is a function(inbuild) to show us global name spaces.
In [ ]:
In [4]: x = 10
In [5]: def me_global():
...: x = 2
...: print locals()
...: return x
In [6]: print me_global() # 2
{'x': 2}
In [7]: print x
In [ ]:
In [10]: globals()
{'In': ['',
u'x = 10',
u'def me_global():\n x = 2\n return x',
u"get_ipython().magic(u'clear ')",
u'x = 10',
u'def me_global():\n x = 2\n print locals()\n return x',
u'print me_global() # 2',
u'print x',
u'print globals()',
'Out': {9: <function globals>},
'_': <function globals>,
'_9': <function globals>,
'__': '',
'___': '',
'__builtin__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>,
'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>,
'__doc__': 'Automatically created module for IPython interactive environment',
'__name__': '__main__',
'_dh': [u'/home/khyaathi'],
'_exit_code': 0,
'_i': u'globals',
'_i1': u'x = 10',
'_i10': u'globals()',
'_i2': u'def me_global():\n x = 2\n return x',
'_i3': u'clear',
'_i4': u'x = 10',
'_i5': u'def me_global():\n x = 2\n print locals()\n return x',
'_i6': u'print me_global() # 2',
'_i7': u'print x',
'_i8': u'print globals()',
'_i9': u'globals',
'_ih': ['',
u'x = 10',
u'def me_global():\n x = 2\n return x',
u"get_ipython().magic(u'clear ')",
u'x = 10',
u'def me_global():\n x = 2\n print locals()\n return x',
u'print me_global() # 2',
u'print x',
u'print globals()',
'_ii': u'print globals()',
'_iii': u'print x',
'_oh': {9: <function globals>},
'_sh': <module 'IPython.core.shadowns' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/core/shadowns.pyc'>,
'exit': <IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall at 0x7f0b4fd386d0>,
'get_ipython': <bound method TerminalInteractiveShell.get_ipython of <IPython.terminal.interactiveshell.TerminalInteractiveShell object at 0x7f0b4fd4a090>>,
'me_global': <function __main__.me_global>,
'quit': <IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall at 0x7f0b4fd386d0>,
'x': 10}
In [17]:
# take 3
# if there is no variables in local namespace , we will go to global namespace.
x = 10
def me_global():
print locals()
return x
In [16]:
print me_global()
In [20]:
print globals()['x']
In [23]:
# global
balance = 0 # global
def my_deposit():
print locals()
balance = balance + 10000
return balance
In [24]:
print my_deposit()
In [25]:
balance = 0 # global
def my_deposit():
balance = 0
print locals()
balance = balance + 10000
return balance
In [26]:
print my_deposit()
In [27]:
def my_withdraw():
print locals()
balance = balance - 3000
return balance
In [28]:
print my_withdraw()
In [29]:
def my_withdraw():
balance = 0
print locals()
balance = balance - 3000
return balance
In [30]:
print my_withdraw()
In [34]:
# use case
# A single variable across multiple function you need to use global keyword.
balance = 0 # global
def my_deposit():
global balance
print locals()
balance = balance + 10000
return balance
def my_withdraw():
global balance
print locals()
balance = balance - 3000
return balance
In [35]:
print my_deposit()
print balance
In [36]:
print my_withdraw()
print balance
In [37]:
# Functional arguments
In [38]:
def my_add(a,b):
return a + b
In [41]:
# positional based.
print my_add(10,20)
print my_add("Linux","rocks")
print my_add("rocks","Linux")
In [42]:
# key based.
print my_add(b='rocks',a='Linux')
In [44]:
# default
def tables(num,kumar=10):
for value in range(1,kumar+1):
print "{0:2d} * {1:2d} = {2:3d}".format(num,value,num*value)
In [46]:
In [47]:
In [49]:
def putty(hostname,port=22):
In [50]:
# putty( # port 22
# putty(,23) # port 23
In [51]:
# *,**,*args,**kwargs
In [52]:
# *
def my_add(a,b):
return a + b
In [53]:
print my_add(10,20)
In [4]:
my_values = [200,300]
my_values2 = [300,600,800]
# a = my_values[0]
# b = my_values[1]
print my_add(my_values)
In [55]:
print my_add(*my_values)
In [57]:
print my_add(*my_values2)
In [6]:
print my_add(*my_values2[0:2])
In [1]:
# **
def my_add(a,b):
return a + b
In [8]:
my_values = {'a':10,'b':20}
my_values2 = {'a':20,'c':50}
In [9]:
print my_add(**my_values)
print my_add(**my_values2)
In [15]:
# *args
print help(max)
print max(22,33)
print max(-1,0,-4)
print max(-22,-33,-45,-55,-21)
In [17]:
# args return a tuple.
def gmax(*args):
return args
print gmax(22,33)
print gmax(-1,0,-4)
print gmax(-22,-33,-45,-55,-21)
In [20]:
def gmax(*args):
big = args[0]
for value in args:
if value > big:
big = value
return big
print gmax(22,33)
print gmax(-1,0,-4)
print gmax(-22,-33,-45,-55,-21)
In [21]:
# **kwargs
# kwargs returns a dictionary.
def callme(**kwargs):
return kwargs
print callme(name='kumar',gender='m')
print callme(name='kumar',maiden='vijaya')
print callme(loc='hyd',name='kumar',gender='m')
In [27]:
def callme(**kwargs):
if 'name' in kwargs:
print "my name is {}".format(kwargs['name'])
if 'gender' in kwargs:
print "my gender is {}".format(kwargs['gender'])
if 'loc' in kwargs:
print 'my location is {}'.format(kwargs['loc'])
if 'maiden' in kwargs:
print "my maiden name is {}".format(kwargs['maiden'])
return "Thank you"
print callme(name='kumar',gender='m')
print callme(name='kumar',maiden='vijaya')
print callme(loc='hyd',name='kumar',gender='m')
In [28]:
# function within functions
# function lower is getting called during the runtime of function upper.
In [32]:
def upper():
x = 1 #local to upper,global to lower
def lower(): # local to upper
return x
return lower()
print upper() # 1
In [38]:
def upper():
x = 1 #local to upper,global to lower
def lower(): # local to upper
return x
return lower()
foo = upper()
print foo
In [33]:
# lower is defined withing the upper function.
print lower()
In [34]:
# ex:fibonacci series in python
In [35]:
def my_new():
print type(my_new)
print my_new # address of the function
print my_new() # calling my function
In [36]:
# function closures
# the variables(local/global) available during the defination of a function
# will be available even if we call them away from run time.
def upper():
x = 1 #local to upper,global to lower
def lower(): # local to upper
return x
return lower # address of the lower.
# use case
foo = upper()
def lower(): # local to upper
return x
print foo,type(foo)
In [37]:
print foo()
In [39]:
# map,filter,lambda
In [40]:
print help(map)
In [41]:
def my_square(a):
return a * a
In [42]:
print my_square(12)
In [44]:
print map(my_square,range(1,10,2))
In [45]:
# filter
print help(filter)
In [47]:
def my_even(a):
if a % 2 == 0:
return 'even'
print my_even(10) # truth of a function,valid output.
print my_even(9) # false of a function,not valid output
In [48]:
print filter(my_even,range(1,11))
In [50]:
# use cases
print map(my_square,range(1,10,2))
print filter(my_square,range(1,10,2)) # None
print filter(my_even,range(1,11))
print map(my_even,range(1,11)) # ['none','even',...10times]
In [52]:
# lambda
# nameless functions
def my_even(a):
if a % 2 == 0:
return 'even'
def my_square(a):
return a * a
#print map(my_square,range(1,10,2))
print map(lambda a:a*a,range(1,10,2))
#print filter(my_even,range(1,11))
print filter(lambda a:a%2==0,range(1,11))
In [ ]: